
Google Keyword Search | Google Keyword Planner | Free Keyword Research Tool Google

free keyword research tool google

There are few places on the web where you can find keywords that people type in the Google search box. One of the most popular sources of information is Google Keyword Planner.

Unfortunately, the data presented by Google Keyword Planner is intended to be used for paid advertising within the Google AdWords platform. The keywords you will find with this tool may be too generic and not very descriptive. In other words, it is hardly useful for content marketing, blogs or SEO.

The Keyword Tool does not use Google Keyword Planner to generate ideas for keywords. We found keywords that people search on Google using a different source: Google AutoComplete.

Google Autocomplete, the data source used by Keyword Tool, was created by Google to facilitate and streamline the people's search experience.

Basically, Google shows autocomplete suggestions every time you start typing something in the Google search box. Google should display the most relevant keywords in the autocomplete suggestions. Keywords that would help Google retrieve the most relevant websites and help users find the most relevant content for their search query.

This is what Google says about autocomplete predictions:

Autocomplete predictions are automatically generated by an algorithm without human participation based on a series of objective factors, including the frequency with which previous users have searched for a term.

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